Sunday Worship


No matter your background or history with the Church, Creekside invites you to come and participate in worship. The focus of worship at Creekside is an audience of One, the Lord our God. We desire to join our hearts and offer our very best gifts in lifting a unified gift of worship to the only one deserving of our praise and adoration. Each week, we pray that three basic things are accomplished: God will be honored by the worship offered by his Church, the gospel of Jesus will be proclaimed and celebrated, and the Holy Spirit will empower and work in and through the worship of the Church.

We seek to combine all the components of our worship into one powerful, relational message. At the conclusion of the worship experience, we pray that you will know that you have been in the presence of God, and we hope that you will take with you real truth that you can use every day to live out a Christ-centered life of worship.

Please be our guest soon! We're excited to meet you!

Service Times: 9:30am & 11:00am

You can experience worship at Creekside by visiting the archive of previous services or watch the worship through our live stream.