Trailblazers Sunday Morning Connect (4th/5th Grade)

K-5thActivitiesBible StudyBoysGirls

These individuals will help equip our 4th and 5th graders with the tools they need to get the most out of their Bibles. Like our 3rd grade Bible Bootcampers the Trailblazers will be playing games, facing challenges and will see the Bible come alive like never before. And at the end of the school year they will compete in a Bible Trivia Showdown. We recognize the importance of relationships for this age group and will be providing time for them to hang out, play games and just do life together. This helps them feel secure and grounded in their faith as they are trying to figure out all that life is throwing their way. Don’t forget to have your kiddo bring their Bible!

Once a month we invite our Trailblazers to participate in a special activity with their group. This could range from an outing at a local park, a service project at church or in the community, or overnight camp/activity. We want to prepare our pre-teens for the sense of community they will feel when they rise up into Student Ministry. Connection, fun, faith, and support for one another are key in this developmental age.

Leaders:  Jen Meese and Jessica Pattapu/Karen Roney and Cammie Alkire (alternating weeks)

Meets: Children's Connect - 9:30am Sundays
Wednesday Evening Connect at 7:00 during the school calendar year.