

Children Nursery

What to Expect

The primary thing to expect is a ton of fun and laughter! The wonder of a child's world gives every person that volunteers a better understanding of what Jesus meant to have the faith of a child. (Matthew 18:2-4) We ask our team to serve on a once per month rotation. All volunteers ages 18+ require a background check.


  • Assist paid nursery staff with caring for babies younger that one year old while parents
    are worshipping or attending a connection group. In this role, those serving
    will primarily hold, rock and sooth babies.
  • Nursery Bible story leaders lead our 2-4 year old's in a short worship experience designed
    for this age group. The 2 year old- Pre K teachers accompany children to
    "The Backyard" to visit Bible story leader who reads provided curriculum, shows a
    dance/music video and prays with the children.



Phone Number

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