
Christ is risen, He is risen indeed!

Please join us as our personal guest this Easter and celebrate the hope, peace, and victory of Jesus. Our church family is welcoming, loving, and fun. We would enjoy celebrating this special time with you and/or your family this Easter. Come as you are, and be a part of our family. There will be Communion at all 3 services. 

Sunday, April 20
Sunrise Service | 7:00am 
Worship Center Worship | 9:30am | 11:00am

Nursery Available at 9:30am, 11am, as well as at the Maundy Thursday/Good Friday services.
Online services (including Maundy Thursday/Good Friday services) will be livestreamed and archived at Creekside Livestream as well as on our Youtube page. The Sunrise Service will not be livestreamed.

 Sunrise Service

This service will be at 7am and held outside in the front parking lot near the three crosses and is led by the Creekside Church Student Ministry. If the weather is bad, we will move it indoors (Creekside Gym). There will be live music and a message from Pastor Jason. We will celebrate Communion as the sun rises. Nursery is not available at this service time. 

Worship Center Worship

9:30AM AND 11AM
This service will be held in the Worship Center with a live band, and a message from Pastor Jason. We will also celebrate Communion together. Nursery is available at these hours for infants through Pre-K.

Online Worship

We will livestream the service at 9:30am and 11am from the worship center which can be viewed from our Youtube Page or on our website at here. After the livestreams are complete, they will then be available thereafter. We'll celebrate Communion and invite you to have your bread and juice (or variations of each) ready. We pray if you can't be with us in person, you will carve out time on Easter to worship with us virtually!

What to Expect

We are casual at Creekside. Feel free to be comfortable yet respectful. Some of us wear jeans, and some of us dress up. 

We have a great band that leads in spirit-filled Easter music for all ages.

Many people arrive at least 20 minutes early.  Allow time to check in children in the nursery if needed. Let us know if you are a guest when you arrive. 

There are parking spaces around the main lawn that are reserved especially for our guests.

Feel free to us call at (770) 888‑8449 (M-Th, 9am-4pm)
or email .

673 Peachtree Parkway - Cumming, GA 30041
(Next to South Forsyth High School)

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