Men's Ministry Breakfast

Please join us for breakfast at our Creekside Men's breakfast on Saturday, 25th! This is an awesome time for meeting with other men, being encouraged and challenged through God's word, and enjoying a meal together.

Who do you know that needs to get connected with some men seeking after God? This could be a neighbor, a co-worker, a friend, or even a son. Invite them to come with you to breakfast and experience fellowship with other men who want to become more like Christ. Your invitation may be the catalyst they need in their spiritual journey. There is no cost for the event but there will be plenty of bacon, sausage, eggs, and waffles.

This will be hosted in Room 140 at Creekside Church, doors open at 8am and we plan to be done by 9:30am.

Please sign up so we know you're coming!

Sign Up Here