A Ministry-Within-a-Ministry: The Creekside MomCo Consignment Sale
Did you know that our Creekside MomCo (formerly known as Creekside Mothers of Preschoolers) ministry holds a consignment sale fundraiser twice a year in the gym behind the church? And, more importantly, did you know that our Creekside MomCo ministry views this sale as much more than just a fundraiser? While it’s true that the money raised does help offset childcare and other costs for the group, the sale is also a unique opportunity for our MomCo moms, consignment team, and Creeksiders to show the love of Jesus to 1000+ shoppers, consignors and community volunteers stepping onto the Creekside campus for four days. The sale truly is a ministry-within-a-ministry! Because not only are we providing our neighbors with a safe place to buy discounted clothes, toys and equipment for their kids and grandkids, but we’re also ministering to them through a smile, a kind word, and an invitation to come and be a part of Creekside or of MomCo. Over the years, we have seen many of our past shoppers, consignors and volunteers accept this invitation and become members of MomCo or begin attending Creekside, and many have even gone on to become leaders within the church! We have prayed with pregnant teens and single moms worried about how they’re going to make ends meet. We have comforted and encouraged mothers who are so exhausted and overwhelmed they aren’t sure how they’re going to get through the day. And we have listened to grandmothers tearfully thank us for providing a way that their children can afford to buy clothes for their grandchildren while on a very fixed income. These are families and individuals who have experienced the love of Jesus -- maybe recognizing it for the first time -- through a kind interaction, meaningful conversation, or heartfelt invitation while at the sale.
We encourage you, our Creekside partners, to help us keep our ministry-within-a-ministry strong by supporting us through your prayers and your service. We have a passionate consignment sale team, but we absolutely can not run the sale and still have time to minister to shoppers without additional volunteers! We need volunteers to run registers, cut tags, help shoppers to their cars with their purchases, straighten up the sales floor, and generally just create a welcoming environment for all these folks coming onto our campus. Volunteers are well-fed throughout the sale (with not just snacks but delicious meals!) and also receive an earlier-than-the-public shopping time Thursday evening and Saturday morning. Middle and high school students are welcome to help as well, and we can sign off on volunteer hours for school club requirements. Click here for more details and to see available volunteer dates and times. I would love to answer any questions you may have about the Creekside MomCo Consignment Sale, our community outreach, or our MomCo ministry itself at
We have also begun partnering with a local charity called the Confident Threads Community Project which provides and delivers clothes and needed equipment to local foster parents. The group’s leader is in need of volunteers willing to shop for a list of assigned clothing items at our Thursday night preview sale. You will not need to pay for the items, only to shop for them from our sale inventory. If shopping is one of your “gifts,” this could be a fun way to help some foster families in need! (Please note: If you volunteer to shop for Community Threads on Thursday night, you will need to wait and shop for yourself after finishing your assigned list or on another day.) Click here for more details or to sign up to be a shopper for this worthy cause.
We hope you will join us not only with your volunteer time, but also in prayer over the sale, which takes place in the Creekside gym. Pray that our MomCo group, church and community will be blessed by the interactions that take place during the upcoming sale and that our consignment sale team and volunteers will represent Jesus and Creekside well to all who attend.
Julie Andrews
For info about the sale itself, visit our Facebook page here.