A New Year - 7 Signs
Christmas is always a wonderful celebration of the most amazing gift in history- Jesus! But we are invited to do more than merely celebrate Jesus' birth. We are called to know who he is, to trust in him, and to find fullness of life in following him. The Apostle John, a dear friend and disciple of Jesus, wrote one of the Bible's four Gospels. His purpose in writing is clearly stated toward the end of his narrative. He wants people to know that Jesus is the Christ (Messiah) and the Son of God. And he wants people to trust in Jesus and find true, eternal life through him (John 20:31).
As we begin 2022 at Creekside, our message series will focus on seven miraculous stories from the life of Jesus in John's Gospel, which John terms as "signs" that point to the identity of Jesus. As we consider each of these stories, my prayer is that folks will be taught and inspired to honor, trust, and follow Jesus in a deeper way. I hope to see you (and someone you invite) at the church house as we kick off a new year together!