Acts: To the Ends of the Earth
After Jesus was raised from the dead and spent time with his disciples for forty days, he ascended to his rightful place in heaven’s glory. He had done what he came to do. Sin and death had been defeated, and reconciliation between fallen creation and holy God had been achieved. But the ministry of the gospel was just getting started…
In the book of Acts, we read the story of what happens next. Just before his ascension, Jesus tells the disciples that they will be empowered by the Holy Spirit to be his witnesses to the very ends of the earth. In chapter two, the Spirit comes upon the entire group of those who trust in Jesus, and the Church of Christ is born! By the end of Acts, via the ministry of the apostles, particularly Paul, the mission of going global with the gospel was well underway. Now, you and I have the amazing privilege of sharing in that mission all these centuries later!
I hope you’ll make plans to gather with us at Creekside as we continue to bathe in Easter joy and explore some key stories from the Book of Acts. As we do so, I trust we’ll be encouraged by and reminded of who and whose we are, and how our Lord wants the priorities of his Church to look!
Jesus Christ the Lord is risen! And he is still on the loose!