Children in Worship
We want to take a moment to remind you about a change in Kidz Church that will go into effect on Sunday, November 28th. As many of you know, the children used to participate in the first 15-20 minutes of worship. Prior to Covid, that format was changed so that we could have an additional opportunity for connections on Sunday mornings at the 11AM service. With our new Connection format and the launch of Connections groups that now can meet throughout the week, we are no longer tied just to two hours on Sunday for connection.
With that being said, we felt the Holy Spirit leading us to pray about how we could once again have children be a part of worship on Sunday mornings. It is so important for children to see their parents and grandparents in worship and to learn the power of being in worship together. After reviewing our current Connection groups, our current children's schedule and praying together in staff and in Children's Council, effective Sunday, November 28th children will once again be a part of the first part of the 11AM worship service. The children will be dismissed prior to Pastor's Jason sermon and come directly back to Kidz church. Below is a breakdown for each group
- Children that attend the 9:30AM service only will see no change in their schedule.
- Children that attend the 11AM service only will be checked into our Realm system and then go to service with their parents until they are released to come back to Kidz.
- Children that attend 9:30AM Connection group and attend 11AM Kidz church will be picked up by their parents at 10:30AM in order to attend the first part of worship. Families may choose to spend time in the atrium or hangout/connect in room 140 prior to worship.
Thank you,
In cased you missed it last Sunday, here is the announcement of the changes: