Children's WE Connect Recap
Wednesday Evening Connect rocks! This past week we started off with another great practice in Children's Choir. The kids are hard at work preparing for our annual Christmas musical. Our 3rd graders are in Bible Bootcamp, led by Mr. Joel and Ms. Laurie.
This week they use amazing visual aids to help teach the first 17 books of the Old Testament… Joshua, Judges, and Ruth. The children set up a "courtroom" to help illustrate the message. Our Kidz Connect leader, Ms. Susan, focused her entire lesson around perseverance "I’m trusting in God" and spent the later part of the evening reading stories to our K-2nd graders all about perseverance.
Trailblazers continue to dig deep into the Old Testament and strengthen their relationships with one another. Each group wraps up the night with prayer requests and of course, good old fashioned joke telling! Nothing better than cracking each other up!