Connection, Community, Family
Have you ever looked at those pictures where you are asked what you see? For example, there was one a few years ago on social media that asked if you saw a blue dress or a gold dress or another one that asked if you saw a bird or a bunny. These pictures are all about your viewpoint and depending upon your background and your history you might see things differently. I want to share with you the joy it has been for me to have three viewpoints of Creekside Christian Academy.
CCA Parent Viewpoint: My boys started attending CCA not long after we moved to Georgia. God was really laying it on my heart to find a Christian school to connect with. My family was already connected with Creekside Church and it seemed like a great fit to have our boys attend preschool at CCA. Over the course of the next eight years we spent at CCA, my boys flourished. It was truly an answer to many prayers. The love, discipleship, and academic preparation our boys and our family received was life-changing. We felt as if we had gained an entirely new family, a community we could call our own in an area where we knew no one.
CCA Teacher Viewpoint: My background is historically in corporate/business and that is where I worked for over 10 years. After the birth of our youngest son, I felt God pushing me to make a significant change in my life and I felt called to start working as a teacher at CCA. I was again met with such an overwhelming sense of family and community. Spending each morning opening my day in prayer with 50+ women and pouring the love of Jesus into little children every day brought more joy than I could have ever imagined! The teachers and staff at CCA are some of the most humble, loving, and hard-working ladies I have ever met.
Church Member Viewpoint: As a member of Creekside Church and having a deep relationship with CCA, I am blessed to see just how intertwined the two groups along with our other ministries truly are. I love seeing families from CCA show up on Sunday mornings for worship. It's amazing to watch the pride that the children have that this is not only their school but also their church. Many of our church members have answered the call to work at CCA and I am so thankful to have so many CCA alums serving alongside of me on staff now.
My prayer for Creekside Church and CCA for this year is that we can continue to grow together in powerful ways that allow a deep sense of connection, community, and family. I ask you to join me in praying that each child, teacher, and staff feels loved, and safe, discover their God-given talents, and desire to learn something each day! Most importantly, I pray they feel the love of Jesus every single day!
As a church family, please join me in these prayers. If you would like to know more about the amazing ministry at CCA or how you can be a part of it, please email me at .
For more information about CCA, please visit: www.creeksidechristianacademy.net