Easter Power
In one of his letters (Philippians), the Apostle Paul is telling his story. He talks about who he used to be and who he had become through his relationship with Jesus. Then, Paul tells his readers his desire for his future. He says that he wants to know Christ “and the power of his resurrection” (Phil. 3.10). That phrase jumps off the paper when I read it. Paul seems to speak of the resurrection of Jesus not only as history’s most significant event nor even as the most important aspect of Christian theology. He speaks of it in intensely personal language, as the power that gives him (and everyone) access to the very life of God.
As we look to the familiar Easter story this Easter Sunday, we’ll seek to discover how the resurrection of Jesus is not only a critical part of the story of the Christian faith but how it also has the power to form and shape the stories of each of our lives. Then, in the weeks that follow Easter Sunday, we’ll search the Scriptures for ways that we can continue to tap into the power of Christ’s resurrection as we live our individual lives and our shared life in His Church.