Encountering God Through VBS
Creekside VBS is a place where friendships form and the Holy Spirit moves. I first volunteered for VBS a few months after we started visiting Creekside. I was a new mom of a one-year-old and a teacher in need of summer plans. However, it was the first time Bradley, my one-year-old, was left with anyone other than a parent or grandparent. It started off a little rocky, but Creekside soon became his second home. During that first VBS week, he was in the nursery with another boy named Alex. Over the years Alex and Bradley became best buds and were in the same VBS crew for 6 years. This past year they were even crew leaders together. The boys don’t go to the same school, so their time at Creekside, especially their time at VBS has always been a week they looked forward to. This Sunday, these two boys that started off as babies in VBS will stand together and be confirmed in Christ.
I have also made deep friendships and connections through VBS. While volunteering at VBS, I made friends and got to know other church members. Through these connections, I was encouraged to join a Connection Group (AKA Sunday School), and I began volunteering in the Children’s Ministry. As a result, Creekside has become my church family (best decision ever).
VBS is also a place where the Holy Spirit is always working. A few years after my first VBS, I somehow was convinced to lead the opening and closing sessions for VBS (on the stage—yikes). Every year the Salvation story is presented on Thursday and at the closing session, there is always an object lesson relating to the Gospel. This is by far my favorite part! The closing session of Shipwrecked is one that stands out in my mind. We were discussing how people who are shipwrecked use flares to signal help. We, too, need to be rescued from sin. The campers were given a glow stick and after praying the kids broke their glow sticks to symbolize their need for Jesus. Then, 300 youth and campers stood up with glow sticks high singing “My Lighthouse” at the top of their lungs. I stood there on the stage watching those kids sing praises…it was a glorious sight to see. You could feel the Holy Spirit move in a mighty way and it is a feeling I will not soon forget. There is a lot of work put into one week of the summer, and many question whether or not it's worth the effort. My answer is YES! My kids have been poured into by countless youth and adults over the years, have learned about our awesome God, and have strengthened lifelong friendships…definitely worth the work!
We would love to have you join us as a VBS volunteer this year, or have your children attend!
Click button below to learn more and/or register.