Falling Short
Next Wednesday (March 2) is Ash Wednesday, which begins the season of Lent on the Church calendar. During this season, we are invited to prepare for the celebration of Easter by intentionally spending time reflecting on our frailty, our mortality, and our sin, which should lead us to deeper dependence upon and thankfulness for the grace of God offered through the person and work of Jesus Christ. We are invited to fast and pray during this season, to repent of areas of sinfulness in our lives and to turn intentionally toward deeper communion with Jesus.
Our message series during this season will be focused on the hard truth about ourselves and all of humanity—we have fallen short of God’s holiness! We, all of us, are sinners in desperate need of God’s grace to forgive us and free us from the entangling power of sin. We’ll consider what the Bible has to say about the origin of sin, why it is such a big deal, how it works to destroy lives and separate people from God, how we can stand against it by God’s grace, and ultimately, God’s solution for it through the cross of Jesus. My prayer is that when we gather to celebrate Jesus’ victory over sin and death on Easter Sunday, we’ll be well prepared because we will have come through the shadow of the cross to the empty tomb with a clear understanding of how desperately we needed Jesus to pay our debt and secure our salvation. I invite you to prioritize gathering with your Church family as we begin this important and holy journey together.