JESUS: Portraits from Luke's Gospel
Happy New Year! I hope that you have had a meaningful Christmas celebration, and I pray God's blessing upon you and your family in 2023! I'm excited to share our first message series of the New Year with you, which we've simply entitled "JESUS: Portraits from Luke's Gospel."
Some of the defining moments in our lives are captured with photographs and stored in albums or framed on walls. Birthdays, holidays, weddings, anniversaries, graduations, and times with family and friends are all memorable events that certain special portraits help us remember. Over the next seven weeks, during this season after Epiphany, I want to invite you to look with me at seven portraits of Jesus’ life. We’ll look at his baptism, his temptation by Satan, his first sermon, the calling of his first disciples, a special healing that he performed, the heart of his teaching, and his transfiguration. Through these biblical portraits, we should grow in our understanding of who Jesus is, why he came, and what he means to us today. And my prayer is that these portraits will help each of us to deepen our relationship with him.