Lead Me to the Cross
The season of Lent marks the forty-day time period (excluding Sundays) in which Christians are invited to enter into a focused time of prayer and fasting as we prepare for the great celebration of Easter. Simply put, we are encouraged to draw near to God during this season through repentance and practicing the means of grace. Of course, we should do that all the time, but we emphasize it during this time of year.
During the Lenten season this year at Creekside, we will focus our attention on the cross. The primary task of a Christian preacher is to “preach Christ crucified,” which is to say that job one for me is to proclaim and interpret through the lens of Scripture the salvation that comes to us through the cross of Jesus Christ. However, as we consider the message and meaning of the cross this Lenten season, my prayer is that we will allow it to interpret us. As we are led to the cross by the teachings of the New Testament, we will be invited to experience afresh the love, mercy, and grace of God. I hope you will prioritize gathering for worship on Sundays as we allow God’s Word to lead us to the cross!