New Ministry - Shine
In the same way, let your light shine so others can see it. Matthew 5:16
As my children get out of the car at school each day I often say to them, be a light for someone today. We are called each day to bring the love and light of our Savior Jesus Christ into this world. Thankfully, God created each one of us so we can shine bright in different ways. This is especially beautiful to see in our Special Needs community.
Over two years ago, the Children’s Ministry staff, backed by strong support from the Children’s Ministry Council, started a spirit-led project of digging into what makes Special Needs programs in churches successful. Through numerous site visits to churches similar in size and format, educating ourselves by attending conferences, seminars and online discussions focused on meeting the needs of special needs children and families, and engaging in long conversations with those within our church family who work in the Special Needs community we made great strides toward creating something new for Creekside.
And then as we all know, Covid stopped us in our tracks.
Once we were able to get church back up and running in what would be our “new normal” the team picked up where we had left off. Through tremendous prayer, Shine – Special Needs Ministry at Creekside Church has been birthed. Many wonderful parts of this plan are complete but there is still much work to be done.
This is where we need each one of you. When you are in need of prayer, you go to your church family and today we come to you asking for prayer. .
- Please pray that God reveals to us the teachers He wants to lead Shine. These roles are absolutely critical to the success of this ministry and we know He knows best who can fill them.
- Pray for the ministry as a whole. May the Children’s Ministry leadership team continue to be led by the Holy Spirit and as we move through this initial phase and the ministry grows, pray that God reveals to us the next steps that Creekside is ready for and has the ability to successfully take on. May we keep ever in step with God’s plan, never forcing our own.
- Ask God to reveal to you any role He may have for you in this ministry. Do you have a skill set in special needs that can be shared? Do you have a child that would benefit from the special needs ministry? Do you have a desire to connect with other special needs families?
If you answered yes to any of those questions, we would love to hear from you! Please Click Here to let us know more about you.
We would love to start this ministry in the near future, but we will wait expectantly for God’s timing trusting Him to put the right people in place. In the meantime, we will continue to provide updates about Shine - Special Needs Ministry as we continue to do the work God has placed on our hearts.