What is Rise Up Sunday?
As you may know, “Rise Up” is this Sunday, June 5th, where all students and children “rise up” to the next grade level during the student's 9:30 am Sunday Morning Connect connection hour. This is a big day in the life of God’s Church at Creekside. Our children and students are literally “growing in grace” right in front of our eyes!
Why should Rise Up Sunday matter to you? The Rise Up process allows our students and children time to connect with their new environments at church before having to adjust to new environments during the start of the school year. Rise Up Sunday provides a clean slate for us to refresh our programs, and provide new ways to make Sunday mornings a warm and exciting experience! Moving up allows children and students to be put in situations where their faith is hopefully challenged and refined in a different way than it could have been before.
Finally, at the heart of it all, Rise Up Sunday serves as a sweet reminder that we are all constantly growing in our faith. Though as adults we may not be going to the next grade level, it is still important that as a church we continue to press on towards deeper relationships with Christ and others, as we seek to do life together. I pray this Sunday would encourage us all (from children to adults!) to recommit ourselves to the work God wants to do in our hearts through Sunday morning worship and Bible study. As our students beautifully reminded us several weeks back, we are truly better together!