Wednesday Women's Bible Study

Bible StudyWomen

Women’s Wednesday Evening Bible Study: This group is for ladies of all ages, married or single, that desire to know Jesus more. They explore and discuss God's Word and Biblical topics as they learn to apply these truths to their own individual lives. There is an option to join this group in person or online via Zoom- whichever works best for you. 

Host: Christy Lezniak
Meets: Wednesday's in-person, and virtually (Zoom or Google Meet)

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Next Study (4/10-5/15)

A Woman Who Doesn't Quit - 5 Habits from the Book of Ruth by Nicki Koziarz

Every woman will eventually face it: the temptation to give in and give up. But something transformative happens when a woman decides to persevere in the face of difficulty and pain. A woman who refuses to quit influences her world in ways she could never have imagined. Unfolding over 6 sessions, Nicki Koziarz walks women through the Book of Ruth, focusing on the Moabite woman’s 5 practical habits that kept her eyes on God: Ruth accepted the assignment of refinement, followed through on her commitments despite her feelings, remained open to the movement of God, gave others what she needed, and moved forward in faith.

The women will need to purchase the study guide, the church will provide the videos.


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