Men's Ministry Golf Outing

Join us for an exciting day of fun, fellowship, and friendly competition at the Creekside Men's Ministry Golf Outing on Sunday, September 15! This event is open to all men who enjoy a good game of golf and want to connect with others in a relaxed, casual setting. So whether you're a seasoned golf pro or a newbie looking to learn, come on out and join us!

Interested? Here's what you need to know:

Game Plan:

  1. 2-man scramble
  2. You must use a minimum of one shot per player per hole. A putt can count as your one minimum shot per hole. 
  3. We will play from the White tees.
  4. Awards:
    • Longest Drive on Hole #18 – 498 yards (Drive must be in the fairway)
    • Closes to the Pin #8 – 128 yards (Ball must be on the green)
    • 1st and 2nd place prizes. 

How to Register:

  1. You can go to and click on the “Men’s Golf Outing” to complete the jot form. Registration closes September 11th
  2. There are 24 open slots for golfers. Once the 24 slots are filled we will place you on wait list in case someone cancels. 
  3. You select your partner. When you register on JotForm please list your partners name. If you don’t have a partner we will try to pair you up with someone. 
  4. We have 6 tee times – 2:00pm – 2:10pm – 2:20pm – 2:30pm – 2:40pm – 2:50pm. If you have a preference please check the box on the jot form. 
  5. When you arrive at the club house you will check in and pay the green fees, $49.00 per person.   

Golf Course Rules: 

  1. Golf attire – collard shirt, no blue jeans.
  2. You can NOT bring food or drinks onto the golf course.
  3. Remember this is a Church function. Please no alcohol on the golf course. We trust you will respect the Ministry policy.

Register Here