

We are blessed to have a wonderful and loving nursery staff consisting of mothers, grandmothers, former teachers, nurses, and college students - all who love children and are willing to give their time to care for the children of Creekside. All of our staff members are CPR- and First Aid-certified and have passed a background screening. In addition to our staff members, we also have many volunteers (both youth and adults) that enjoy working with children and that aid in nurturing the children in our care each week. It is our goal that every child will see the love of Jesus in each person who cares for them at Creekside.

Times and Classrooms

Nursery is offered during worship times. Until we return to more normal programming, our nursery which typically consists of 5 classrooms, is currently combined as follows:
Infants: children under 12 months or not yet walking
1’s and 2's: children who are 12 months (walking) - 36 months
3’s and 4s/PreK: children between age 3 (potty-trained) & 4 (or older and have not yet begun Kindergarten)

All classrooms are stocked with educational, safe, and developmentally appropriate toys, puzzles, and games. Children in classrooms for age 2 and up will participate in engaging lessons and activities that will generate excitement about God’s word. Please see the Wellness Policy and Protocol for more safety details.

Things to Know

It is our desire to ensure your child has the best possible experience while in our care. In order to do that, we need your help! Please read through the following information to know what you can expect from our nursery.


What to Bring
We ask that parents bring the following with their child to the nursery each week:

- 3 disposable diapers (if child is in diapers)
- Baby wipes
- Change of clothing (for all children under age 3)
- Bottle or sippy cup
- Pacifier (if child uses one)
- Comfort item for infants (if desired)

Please be sure to label everything that your child brings into the classroom, including the diaper bag.

Our staff sanitizes and disinfects all toys and surfaces in the nursery after each time the classrooms are used. However, the best way to prevent illness is to prevent exposure. Please help us keep our classrooms free of illness by keeping your child home if they are sick. We are aware that sometimes this is a difficult call to make. Please be conservative and refrain from bringing your child to church if he or she exhibits signs of a virus or cold, has had a fever, diarrhea, nausea or vomiting with in the last 24 hours, or has a contagious or undiagnosed rash. Respecting this policy is very important to the safety, health, and comfort or your child, as well as to the care providers and other children in the nursery. If your child arrives sick or becomes ill during his/her time in childcare, we will contact you to pick up the child from the nursery.

In the event that your child comes down with a contagious illness following a visit to our nursery, please contact us so that adequate measures may be taken.

A mid-morning snack of Goldfish crackers and water will be provided for all children in classrooms with children age 1 and older. In the infant room, bottles and food sent by the parent will be given as specified by the parent at drop-off.

The nursery/preschool wing is a tree nut/peanut free area. Please do not bring nuts or nut products into the hallway. This is for the protection of our children with severe nut allergies.

If your child is in a 1-, 2-, 3-, or 4-year old classroom, please do not send food in with them since we may have other children with allergies. Please allow your children to finish their café items or other breakfast foods prior to entering the classroom.



Check-In and Security

We want you to feel confident that your children are being well cared for while engaging in activities that help them learn about God's great love for each and every one of them! 


Our loving staff members and volunteers will be ready to receive children 15 minutes prior to the start of worship or classes.

Kiosks are located in the preschool and discipleship wings to check in your children (6 weeks-5th grade) and receive a security badge. Please, always inform the check-in assistant of any special instructions or allergies your child may have. Please advise the check-in desk attendant if any allergy or contact information on your child’s name tag needs to be updated.

Each child must be wearing their name badge prior to being released into our care. Each name badge has a unique ID# matching that on the parent’s security tag. At pick-up, parents must present their security tag to the child’s classroom teacher. Children will only be released to the parent or designated caregiver with the matching security tag.

Parents must remain on the Creekside campus when using childcare. When it’s time to go home, please remember the following:

- All parents/guardians must present their matching security sticker to the child’s teacher.
- Allow the nursery staff/teacher to bring your child and any belongings to you at the door.
- Please be prompt in picking up your child, as a delay can result in distress for your child.

Contacting You if Needed
We want to make sure both children and parents feel safe and comfortable when children are in our care. If you are needed, we will contact you in one of two ways: by text or by displaying your child’s security number on the screen in worship. Please remember to have your cell phone on you so that you will feel it vibrate in the event your child needs you.

Children may cry when being left by parents. We understand and anticipate this, especially when a child moves to a new classroom or is visiting our church. In most cases, crying stops shortly after drop off. In the event that a child continues to cry, we will notify the parent (per parent instructions, so please let us know how long you would like us to wait before notifying you).



Wellness Policy and Protocol

We want to ensure that our families understand what measures have been put in place in order for you to be comfortable with your child attending Nursery or Kidz.

- Our first responsibility is to assure that your children have a clean, sanitized and safe environment.

- Rooms will be sanitized and toys will be changed out in between services. We will make hand sanitizing stations available for Sunday morning use.

- If a child isn’t feeling well, be safe and stay home! We will notify parents if a child appears to become ill while in our care.


Fall Fest
Saturday, October 26, 2024
4:00 PM - 7:00 PM
