Shoebox Packing Party!
Creekside Church has been consistently packing shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child for several years. This year, with the help of the Bible Exploration Group, Student Ministry, and the Children's Ministry, we are anticipating our first-ever Shoebox Packing Party on November 16th (taking place immediately after Thanksgiving Celebration). We have been collecting items such as toothbrushes, soap, socks, and toys to pack around 400 shoeboxes this year!
If you are like my family, we pack one shoebox for a boy and one for a girl each year. It’s a holiday tradition that we enjoy doing together. If your desire is to pack shoeboxes as a family, we will definitely have shoeboxes available in the atrium beginning Sunday, October 30th. You and your family will be able to pick up a shoebox and fill it, pray over it and return it to us before Sunday, November 13th.
We have big plans this year, with a goal of 400 shoeboxes! We pray that this process of packing a shoebox, whether as a family or at our Packing Party on November 16th, will be a positive one, and full of excitement. Thanks to your gifts, the children that will receive them will hear the gospel of Jesus and experience so much joy! Take a look at the video and see how our shoeboxes and millions of other boxes from the United States will reach the ends of the earth in Jesus’ name.
Please join us on Wednesday, November 16th as we pack the boxes, pray over them and send them on their way. We will have a great evening of thanksgiving and worship preceding our Packing Party. All are welcome, young and old are welcome to help pack and pray over the shoeboxes. I hope to see you at this year's first-ever Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Packing Party!