Creekside’s Feeding The Five Thousand Ministry serves 120 individuals and 29 families in the Forsyth County Area. Our vision is to serve those in need and FTFT also provides opportunities for volunteers to serve our neighbors by working together to provide monthly food delivery to our...
After Jesus was raised from the dead and spent time with his disciples for forty days, he ascended to his rightful place in heaven’s glory. He had done what he came to do. Sin and death had been defeated, and reconciliation between fallen creation and holy God had been...
Welcome to the season of Lent! On the Church calendar, Lent is a season of preparation that leads us to the great celebration of Easter. During Lent, we are invited to examine our lives honestly, to repent of sin, to fast and pray, and to remember the sacrifice and suffering that Jesus willingly...
Happy New Year! I hope that you have had a meaningful Christmas celebration, and I pray God's blessing upon you and your family in 2023! I'm excited to share our first message series of the New Year with you, which we've simply entitled "JESUS: Portraits from Luke's...
It’s hard to believe, but it’s already that time of year. Decorations will go up (if they haven’t already), gatherings will be scheduled with friends and family, meals will be planned, gifts will be bought, and we’ll start singing the familiar carols in anticipation of...
HOME. It’s where we feel safe and loved. It’s where we can be ourselves without fear of judgment. It’s where we long to be when we’re away. But not everyone has a home.
Family Promise is a national organization whose aim is to transform the lives of families experiencing...
Creekside Church has been consistently packing shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child for several years. This year, with the help of the Bible Exploration Group, Student Ministry, and the Children's Ministry, we are anticipating our first-ever Shoebox Packing Party on November 16th (taking...
Many of the letters in the New Testament are corrective in nature- a church is getting something wrong and an apostle is calling them out for it and urging them toward repentance. But sometimes a church gets it right! In the letter that we call 1 Thessalonians, Paul writes to a...
Have you ever looked at those pictures where you are asked what you see? For example, there was one a few years ago on social media that asked if you saw a blue dress or a gold dress or another one that asked if you saw a bird or a bunny. These pictures are all about your viewpoint and depending...
“It’s the most wonderful time of the year.” Well, almost. I’m not talking about Christmas; I’m talking about football season! In a matter of days, toe will meet leather and the Friday night lights will come on as the boys of fall take the field. And of course, on...