Our Blog

Showing items for 'Jason Danuser'

The Reason for the Season
Posted by Jason Danuser on

“Jesus is the reason for the season.” It is cliché, but it is true. Without Jesus, there would certainly be no Christmas celebration. However, Jesus came to this earth out of his wonderful love for us. So in this sense, we are also the reason for the Christmas season. And the...

Showing items for 'Susan Dargis'

Revelation - Extravagant Hope
Posted by Susan Dargis on

December! Can you believe we've made it to the end of another year?(Women,) As we gear up for the holidays and look forward to 2022, we would like to make sure Monday Morning Bible Study is on your calendar.Beginning January 10, 2022, we will kick off our first study of the year with a Beautiful...

Showing items for 'Joe DeLallo'

Many Paths
Posted by Joe DeLallo on

My calling to join the Creekside Church staff was in full force at this time last year. Throughout my life God has whispered in my ear about where he wants me to go next. I do my best to listen. First, He had me move from my hometown in Rochester, NY to a small college town two hours away from...

Showing items for 'Ginny Ellithorp'

Operation Christmas Child 2023
Posted by Ginny Ellithorp on

As the Operation Christmas Child (OCC) National Collection Week comes to an end, I would love to share with you the challenges, celebrations, and joy we experienced. As Kirsten and I began this week we were met with the challenge of multiple sick children at home, and one that accidentally...

Shoebox Packing Party!
Posted by Ginny Ellithorp on

Creekside Church has been consistently packing shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child for several years. This year, with the help of the Bible Exploration Group, Student Ministry, and the Children's Ministry, we are anticipating our first-ever Shoebox Packing Party on November 16th (taking...

Story for the Ages
Posted by Ginny Ellithorp on

When I think about my two children as preschoolers, my favorite memory is reading to them until they fell asleep.  Stories and good books take us on adventures, teach us new things, and make a lasting impression.  Jesus was an amazing story teller and this month the preschoolers in the...

Showing items for 'MacKenzie Girton'